Official Day 4 - 070110
Freedom Concert @ NIE
Today we started the day with a time of praise and worship and QT together. I led the time with Open the Eyes of my heart and Mighty to Save. As I was preparing the time I was reminded that we need to ask God to open our spiritual eyes so that we can seek beyond what we can physically see. Also, a reminder that regardless of a person's economic status and background, everyone needs forgiveness, a love that's never failing.Part of the passage we chewed on during QT time.
I thank God for speaking to me to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. I need to be more fervently reading and understanding the Word of God, guided by the truth and not just serve out of a good heart.
In this trip, I hope people who receive Christ is not because of our wise and persuasive words, but they are truly touched by God's love directly, just like the Samaritans, they encounter God personally.
"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."
John 4:34-38
So many things were going on before we came to Cambodia. There were many people who sacrifice for the Gospel and the Word was preached and lots of plowing were done. We just felt that the FREEDOM CONCERT is going to be a time of harvesting of souls.
There were many hiccups during the rehearsal. People were late. Bad logistics. Incompatible power sockets. No floor management. So many things that went wrong. If these things happen in Singapore, we will really get into trouble. During dinner time to debrief on the whole experience of putting up the FREEDOM CONCERT, Julian asked us a few questions.
It wasn't difficult to list out them.
"Out of these, which are ones that are due to cultural difference?"
For me church planting still seemed like a huge decision to make. But I thank God for this opportunity to open my spiritual eyes over here! On one hand I always feel inadequate, but on the other hand I see that God loves these people as well. I am so blessed in Singapore. I appreciate the strict training I went thru in Singapore as I grow up in my faith as a Christ follower. Thanks to all who played a play in guiding me in my walk and training me directly - Shirley Sim, Aaron Chua, Bowen, Qiao Ping, Huili, Jan, Sihui, Timothy.
I was encouraged by what Julian shared to us on how our team managed to endure the challenges. He said that our team has been very ready to minister and execute the impartation in Cambodia. He mentioned that these would not be possible without the strict training we had in our years of growing up as a disciple and encounter hardship as a leader in various aspects.
I am sure God is preparing me for greater purpose, and I desire greater gifts to serve Him wherever I am.
after the Outreach event - FREEDOM CONCERT, all of us felt relieved and glad that God was with us all the while. Although we did not have the best planning possible in Singapore (and with many things in our mind, for example ESS, Christmas, UNI-YA Anniversary), He gives us strength and wisdom everyday when we leave our guest house to Joko's place to conduct workshops and minister to the people. Without Him around, things would not have worked out so well. As we learnt more and more about the Cambodians and their culture, it gives us a better understanding of how we should relate to them.
When we returned to the guest house at night, we prayed and gave thanks to God for His presence with us! We sang loudly - songs of praise and worship unto God. Thank Him for this opportunity to learn and open the eyes of our hearts.
- Guan Rui -
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